Stomach Cancer Symptoms and Prevention Methods

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What is stomach cancer?

Stomach cancer, is one of the types of malignant tumors that grow on the wall of the stomach to the esophagus and small intestine, and it is mainly associated with food that contains a large proportion of salt, smoking and low consumption of vegetables and fruits. According to international statistics, men are more susceptible to stomach cancer. of women. A distinction is usually made between different degrees of infection according to the outbreak and progression of tumors, as in the first stage the infection is limited to the inner membrane (lining) of the stomach and in most of these cases, surgical intervention is a good solution with effective results. In the event that the infection develops and infringes the stomach lining area to reach the muscle and lymph nodes, the possibility of recovery becomes less and may cause death.

What are the causes of stomach cancer?

There are many reasons that may lead to infectious cancer, here are the most prominent:

Infection due to H. pylori bacteria:
The patient suffers from inflammation of the inner membrane of the stomach due to a bacterium known as Helicobacter pylori, which is considered one of the most important causes that increase the risk of stomach cancer.

Eating foods that contain a large amount of salt or spices, as well as types of smoked and dried foods, is an important factor in contracting the disease, as this type of food undergoes chemical changes in the stomach that turn it into cancerous substances. Also, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption have a significant impact on the incidence of cancer in the upper part of the stomach.

What does stomach cancer patient feel at first?

It is possible for a patient with stomach cancer (gastric cancer) to suffer in the early stages of some diseases as follows:

• Pain in the upper abdomen
• Anorexia
• Feeling of heartburn and nausea

Later, the patient may suffer from other symptoms that indicate the development and spread of stomach cancer, as follows:

• Feeling bloated or vomiting after eating
• dysphagia
• yellowing of the skin
• whites of the eyes
• Unintended weight loss
• Bleeding with vomiting
• Dark-colored stools because they contain blood
• Diarrhea or constipation

What are the ways to treat stomach cancer?

The method of treating stomach cancer (gastric cancer) varies according to the condition of each patient and the degree of tumor spread in the body. Among the most prominent treatment methods used to fully recover from stomach cancer are as follows:

• Surgical treatment methods: The surgical treatment method is one of the most common methods that guarantee a complete recovery, where part of the stomach (malignant tumors) is removed or the stomach is completely removed and some of the surrounding tissue with a part of the healthy tissue also as a guarantee. In the event that the tumor spreads to the stomach wall, the fusion is done and radiotherapy and chemotherapy methods are also involved.
• Chemical treatment methods.
• Radiotherapy methods.
• Biological methods of treatment.

How to prevent stomach cancer?

Here are the most important things that can avoid the risk of contagious cancer:

• Eating a lot of vegetables and fruits and being keen to achieve diversity in their types
• Quitting smoking and reducing alcohol intake
• Reducing foods that contain a high percentage of salt and spices, as well as dried and smoked foods and pickles.
• Maintain a healthy weight and exercise

If you suffer or suspect stomach cancer and are looking for treatment or want to know more and inquire more about the disease, do not hesitate to contact our specialized medical staff at WorldHealth.

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