Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery

Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery cover all body shaping applications, especially rhinoplasty and breast augmentation, as well as treatment processes that do not require surgical operation. In addition to aesthetic interventions, cleft palate and lip problems caused by congenital anomalies, tissue deterioration caused by skin cancer, and recovery of the body after obesity treatment are also the Department of Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery.

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Mouth and Dental Health

The health of the mouth and teeth, which are the entrance channels of the digestive system, is very important for maintaining the health of the whole body, because it directly or indirectly affects your whole body, especially your digestive system. On the other hand, the mouth and teeth are also important aesthetically and affect your facial expression. The way you speak, your smile and even your facial expressions are related to your mouth and teeth structure.

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Hair Transplant

Your hair may fall out due to reasons such as hair loss, previous diseases or genetic factors, and in cases where shedding is very intense, baldness may occur. This situation, which may make you feel uncomfortable in terms of aesthetics, is no longer a problem today and hair transplantation methods developed with advancing technology have started to give positive results in a short time.

world health klinik servisler

Obesity Surgery

Bariatric surgery, which makes it easy to lose weight, is one of the effective surgical methods with different types. Obesity surgery can be applied when unsuccessful results are obtained after applications such as diet, sports and drug therapy. This method is suitable for people who have tried all treatment methods and cannot achieve the desired result in losing weight. Before the operation, all the values of the patient should be measured and attention should be paid to the fact that they are suitable for anesthesia.

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Brain and Nerve Surgery

The central nervous system, which enables people to perceive the environment and react in the light of this information, consists of the brain and spinal cord. The control of memory, thought and sense organs is done by the central nervous system. All internal or external stimuli are combined by these structures and coordination is provided. At the same time, they are responsible for the regulation of both inter-organ and internal functions of the organ. Almost all vital activities such as blood pressure or regulation of hormones, especially hunger, thirst and sleep, are under the control of the brain and spinal cord. If the problems in the central nervous system are not treated on time and correctly, they can cause serious damage or even loss of life.

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Eye diseases

The health of the eyes, which is one of the basic sense organs, is very important for living a quality life. In addition to reducing the quality of life, eye problems lead to many major health problems that progress to vision loss.

Many reasons due to genetic or environmental factors cause serious problems in eye health. Patients usually apply to their doctors with complaints such as loss of vision, blurred vision, burning and itching in the eyes. Eye diseases can be treated without leaving any permanent damage thanks to early diagnosis and treatment. For this reason, it is very important to be examined by an ophthalmologist at regular intervals, even if there are no complaints.

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Monday - Friday 7/24
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Stomach Cancer Symptoms and Prevention Methods


Stomach cancer, is one of the types of malignant tumors that grow on the wall of the stomach to the esophagus and small intestine, and it is mainly associated with food that contains a large proportion of salt, smoking and low consumption of vegetables and fruits.

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We are at your service not only to provide quality care,
comfort and professionalism, but also to ensure your quality of life.

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Transportation and Accommodation

As World Health, our priority is to make you feel comfortable and safe. For your comfort and safety, we offer you a unique service in terms of transportation with our VIP vehicles and accommodation with our contracted hotels.

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Clinical Planning

Findings related to your health problem are examined in company with our partner doctors and the most appropriate treatment is presented to you.

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Post Treatment Care

Your scheduled checks are carried out regularly, and when you return to your country, your questions and complaints are listened to and your situation is followed, and solutions are offered according to your needs.

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