What is jinekomasti?

world health hakkında In men, the problem seen in the form of female-type breast enlargement is called gynecomastia. Gynecomastia, which is mostly caused by fluctuations in the level of testosterone, known as the male hormone, leads to benign but abnormal type of growth in the breasts of male individuals.

Although it is more common in adolescence and individuals over the age of 50, gynecomastia is a problem that can occur in individuals of all ages for various reasons. Breast tissue growth that occurs in adolescence is a condition that usually begins around the age of 13 and can continue into early adulthood. In gynecomastia cases that do not improve later or occur in adults and do not have a different treatment option, treatment can be performed by using breast aesthetic applications.

What Causes Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is a health problem that can develop for different reasons, and it can affect a single breast as well as cause enlargement in both breasts. In most cases of gynecomastia, it may not be possible to determine the underlying cause. However, among the most common causes that can lead to this problem are hormonal changes, some drugs used, some treatments taken, various health problems, alcohol use and the use of some herbal products.

1. Hormonal Changes

One of the most common causes of female-pattern breast enlargement in men is irregularities in testosterone hormone levels. A decrease in testosterone level can be seen in men due to various factors that prevent testosterone production, block the effects of testosterone hormone or increase the level of estrogen hormone. This situation may cause gynecomastia.

Many conditions such as being overweight, using drugs that affect hormone balance, receiving dialysis treatment, tumors in the testicles and malnutrition can be counted among the risk factors that trigger such hormonal changes.

2. Medicines

In individuals who regularly use drugs for the treatment of various health problems, hormonal balance may be disturbed due to the side effects of some of these drugs. This situation creates another answer to the question of what causes gynecomastia. Some medications that can cause gynecomastia include:

● Antiandrogen drugs used in the treatment of prostate enlargement and prostate cancer
● Some types of antidepressants
● Some drugs used in heart diseases
● Some antiviral and antibiotic drugs
● Chemotherapy drugs
● Amphetamines used in the treatment of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder
● Anabolic steroids and androgens used by athletes
● Some drugs used in liver diseases and cirrhosis treatment "

3. Alcohol

Alcohol, which is another cause of gynecomastia, can cause female-type breast enlargement by negatively affecting the hormonal balance in men in case of excessive consumption. However, the use of drugs and some other tobacco products also poses a risk for gynecomastia.

4. Health Issues

Various acute or chronic health problems can lead to gynecomastia in male individuals. At the beginning of these are genetic diseases that prevent normal and healthy testosterone production. Klinefelter syndrome can be given as an example. However, pituitary gland failure causing hormone imbalance, tumors in the adrenal gland or pituitary gland, various liver and kidney diseases may also affect the levels of sex hormones and cause gynecomastia.

5. Herbal Products

Some plants may show low estrogenic activity due to some of the components they contain, in other words, they can change the hormonal balance by mimicking estrogen hormones. Herbal teas, plant extracts and herbal food supplements may cause gynecomastia in men by increasing the estrogen level because they contain plants with this feature. However, cosmetic products containing certain vegetable oils or herbs, such as lavender oil, tea tree oil, may also have the same effect. The intense inclusion of such plants with estrogenic effects, called phytoestrogens, in the nutrition plan may be the cause of gynecomastia.

If you also have a gynecomastia problem, you can apply to Healdone and undergo an examination by specialist physicians. If surgery is required in line with your doctor's recommendations, you can get information about breast aesthetics and gynecomastia treatment and plan your treatment process.

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