Brain and Nerve Surgery

world health klinik servisler The central nervous system, which enables people to perceive the environment and react in the light of this information, consists of the brain and spinal cord. The control of memory, thought and sense organs is done by the central nervous system. All internal or external stimuli are combined by these structures and coordination is provided. At the same time, they are responsible for the regulation of both inter-organ and internal functions of the organ. Almost all vital activities such as blood pressure or regulation of hormones, especially hunger, thirst and sleep, are under the control of the brain and spinal cord. If the problems in the central nervous system are not treated on time and correctly, they can cause serious damage or even loss of life.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Brain and Nerve Surgery?

The branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of any problem in the brain and spinal cord is called neurosurgery or neurosurgery. The doctor who completes his specialization in the field of neurosurgery receives the title of neurosurgeon or neurosurgeon. The diagnosis, follow-up and treatment of tumors pressing on the brain and spinal cord tissues, head and spinal cord injuries, as well as neck, waist and back hernias is the field of neurosurgeon. In addition, when diseases such as scoliosis, meningocele, hydrocephalus, craniosynostosis, Parkinson's and epilepsy do not respond to the drug, surgery can be performed by neurosurgeons.

What Diseases Does Brain and Nerve Surgery Deal With?

In the department of neurosurgery, diagnosis, follow-up and treatment of central nervous system disorders, which can be seen in all age groups from childhood to adulthood, are performed. The diseases that the neurosurgery unit deals with are listed below:

Cerebrovascular diseases
There are many types of cerebrovascular diseases that develop due to many reasons, and the treatment method differs according to the type of the disease. The most common cerebrovascular diseases are:
• Stroke and paralysis due to blockages in brain vessels
• Bubble aneurysm in the brain vessel
• Bleeding in the brain membrane or tissue
• Carotid stenosis (occlusion in the jugular vein)
• Waist and neck hernia
• Brain and spinal cord tumors
• Brain battery

Brain tumors
Masses that grow rapidly in the brain tissue and spread rapidly in the same way are defined as brain tumors. It is divided into primary and secondary. Primary brain tumors are life-threatening cells whose origin is brain tissue. Secondary brain tumors are tumors that spread to the brain from another tissue, especially as a result of lung, colon, pancreatic and kidney cancers. Brain tumor treatment varies according to the type, stage and region of the tumor.

Brain hemorrhages The vessels in the brain weaken for any reason and form a balloon-like structure. The rupture of the bubble structure causes blood to leak into the brain tissue and tissue destruction occurs. It can cause symptoms such as loss of balance and vision, difficulty speaking, swallowing problems, loss of consciousness, nausea, drowsiness, and severe headache. Conditions such as alcohol and drug use, brain tumor, kidney failure, high blood pressure, head trauma, and blood disorders can cause brain hemorrhage. In the treatment of brain hemorrhage, where early diagnosis is important, surgery is usually performed.

As a result of any blockage in the blood vessels that feed the brain, blood flow to the brain is blocked. Cell death occurs when the brain is not fed. There are two types of stroke, hemorrhagic and ischemic. The type of stroke that occurs as a result of a blood clot is called ischemic, and the stroke that occurs as a result of the bursting of the blood vessel to the brain as a result of high blood pressure is called hemorrhagic stroke. Severe headache, difficulty in speaking and understanding, dizziness, inactivity or shifting in the face area, extreme fatigue are among the symptoms of stroke. Depending on the cause of the stroke, surgery or drug therapy can be performed.

Spinal diseases
With increasing age, the rate of wear on the spine also increases. Weaknesses may occur in the muscle, joint and skeletal system. Muscle and joint pains may occur with waist and neck hernias. In addition, spinal injuries due to trauma, infections, congenital spinal deformities are also considered as spinal diseases. Treatment is applied depending on the cause of the disease.

Tissue and organ damage caused by external factors is defined as trauma. Damage to the nerve tissue in the spine as a result of external factors, that is, spinal cord traumas, is usually caused by events such as wrong sports movements, traffic accidents, falls, gun injuries. The patient may experience loss of sensation and movement. According to the condition of the spine, an appropriate treatment plan is prepared by neurosurgery.

Childhood brain and nerve diseases
Childhood brain and nerve diseases from birth to 18 years of age include:
• Increase in cerebrospinal fluid
• Congenital brain hemorrhages
• Epilepsy and other nervous system disorders
• Spinal cord closure disorders
• Brain and spinal cord tumors
• Congenital nervous system disorders
• Water collection in the brain
• Skull deformities
• Spinal disorders
• Head and spinal cord injuries

Providing service with its expert team in the field, World Health is with you in the diagnosis, follow-up and treatment process of your disease by offering years of experience in the treatment of brain and nerve diseases together with the latest technologies.

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