Hair Transplant

world health klinik servisler Your hair may fall out due to reasons such as hair loss, previous diseases or genetic factors, and in cases where shedding is very intense, baldness may occur. This situation, which may make you feel uncomfortable in terms of aesthetics, is no longer a problem today and hair transplantation methods developed with advancing technology have started to give positive results in a short time.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Hair Transplantation?

Hair transplantation is one of the methods frequently used when thinning or baldness occurs in the hair. The process of transplanting live and healthy hair follicles to empty places due to inactive hair follicles is called hair transplantation.

In hair transplantation performed with microsurgical procedures, living and healthy hair follicles taken from the patient are applied to the area where thinning or baldness appears. Therefore, hair transplantation is a natural method in which the person's own hair is used. The aim here is to replace the roots, which have lost their vitality and become dysfunctional, with live roots and to ensure that hair is formed in that area again.

Although there are different hair transplantation methods, this microsurgical procedure is completely individual and the method should be decided together with the physician.

How to do hair transplantation?

One of the important steps in hair transplantation is to decide on the hair follicles to be used. For this process, hair follicles are analyzed and the most suitable place is found. Generally, healthy hair follicles taken from the nape area are transplanted to areas with dead roots.

In cases where the nape area is not suitable, roots can be taken from the temples, arms and chest. The important thing is not where the roots are taken from, but how strong and alive they are. How long the hair transplant application will take depends on the hair structure of the patient. The area where the thinning is and the amount of hair loss is not much, the transplantation process can be completed in a few hours.

In cases where hair loss is intense, hair transplantation may take several sessions. Sowing applications using local anesthesia are painless and painless. After the application, a bandage is applied to the head in order to protect the hair follicles from external impacts, and the patients can be discharged within a few hours from the end of the application.

What are Hair Transplant Methods?

Follicular unit extraction is the most commonly used method that captures the natural appearance among hair transplantation methods. In this method, which is briefly used as the FUE technique, local anesthesia is applied. Healthy hair follicles are taken one by one with a micro motor with special tips and transferred to the thinning area, paying attention to the direction of natural hair growth. FUE technique is a method that does not leave any traces.

Does Transplanted Hair Lose After Hair Transplantation?

After hair transplantation, all of the transplanted hair falls out, but this is not something to be afraid of. The transplanted hair grows back about three or four months after shedding. These hairs, which grow in place of the first planted hair, are hair that grows from healthy roots and do not fall out again. However, the person's own hair may fall out as before. If the original hair is thinned from other parts, a new hair transplant may be required.

Things to Consider After Hair Transplant

The first 15 days after hair transplantation are very important because newly transplanted hair follicles are still very sensitive. Especially in this period;
• • Sleep position is very important in the first 15 days. Newly planted hair follicles should not touch the pillow.
• The area where the new hair is transplanted should be protected from impacts and accidents, and attention should be paid to friction even when dressing and undressing.
• Bath and sauna should not be entered for the first month. Fitness should not be done.
• For the first two months, activities where the hair follicles may be hit should not be done. Especially football should be avoided.

Hair transplantation is not a simple procedure, it is a microsurgical operation. Therefore, it should be applied by physicians and specialists. If you want to have healthy hair, you can choose the expertise and assurance of World Health.

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