Obesity Surgery

world health klinik servisler Bariatric surgery, which makes it easy to lose weight, is one of the effective surgical methods with different types. Obesity surgery can be applied when unsuccessful results are obtained after applications such as diet, sports and drug therapy. This method is suitable for people who have tried all treatment methods and cannot achieve the desired result in losing weight. Before the operation, all the values of the patient should be measured and attention should be paid to the fact that they are suitable for anesthesia.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Obesity Surgery Methods, How Are The Surgeries Performed?

With the development of technology, there are many surgical techniques in the treatment of obesity. When choosing, the patient's condition is taken into account and the right decision is made together with the doctor.

Tube Stomach
It is among the most preferred methods especially when looking at the world. With sleeve gastrectomy surgery, approximately 90% of the stomach is removed and the stomach is shaped into a tube. Thus, a decrease in the patient's calorie intake is observed. This surgery takes about two hours with the closed method. Nutrition is very important after bariatric surgery. People should be on a liquid diet for two weeks. In the next two weeks, it is very important to consume soft foods. When this diet is over, you can switch to normal nutrition. With the sleeve gastrectomy method, the person's Ghrelin hormone release is prevented. Therefore, a decrease in appetite occurs. After about 1 year, people get rid of about 80% of their excess weight. It is very important for patients who have undergone surgery to chew their food very well and consume it in small portions. In addition to all these, exercise is also necessary. In order not to regain all the lost weight, it is recommended to stay away from high-calorie sugary foods.

Gastric Balloon
One of the most common options that facilitate weight loss is gastric balloon surgery. Thanks to this technique, a balloon filled with liquid or air is inserted into the stomach with the support of an endoscope. This method, which is applied with a light anesthesia, takes about 15-20 minutes. In this way, the capacity of the stomach to take food decreases. People who have this surgery lose 7-8 kilos after a month or two. However, the balloon placed in the stomach can stay in the body for at least 6 months and at most 1 year. It is easily removed in 5 minutes by endoscopic method. It is one of the most advantageous methods because the application method is simple and there is no permanent change affecting the body.

Gastric By-Pass
With this surgery, the patient's calorie intake becomes limited. Absorption of food is reduced. This laparoscopic procedure is one of the commonly preferred bariatric surgery methods. It is very effective in solving all the diseases related to obesity. Weight loss continues for an average of 1.5 years.

Duodenal Switch
This method, which directly affects the metabolism, helps to lose a lot of weight. People who have this surgery are restricted from taking food. It is suitable for the treatment of diseases such as diabetes, high cholesterol and hypertension caused by overweight. Although it is an effective method for people who consume fatty foods because it reduces fat absorption, it is high to experience some complications after surgery. Therefore, it is not preferred much.

Who Is Obesity Surgery Suitable For, What Should Be Considered After?

Before obesity surgery, people are examined by specialist physicians. When it is found suitable for surgery, the patient is informed in detail about the surgery. Various tests such as gastric endoscopy and abdominal ultrasonography may also be ordered. Patients with a body mass index over 40 are suitable for the operation. This surgery can also be performed on patients with additional diseases such as hypertension, heart disease and type 2 diabetes, whose body mass index is between 35-40 and whose blood sugar cannot be regulated by various treatments.

The patient, whose surgery was successful, still continues after the discharge. The diet program determined by the surgeon and dietitian must be followed. Exercise should be done at the times determined by the doctor and the controls should not be interrupted. Bariatric surgery is an increasingly popular type of operation today. Do not forget that you can trust World Health, which has a staff of specialist surgeons experienced in these surgeries.

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