Eye diseases

world health klinik servisler The health of the eyes, which is one of the basic sense organs, is very important for living a quality life. In addition to reducing the quality of life, eye problems lead to many major health problems that progress to vision loss.

Many reasons due to genetic or environmental factors cause serious problems in eye health. Patients usually apply to their doctors with complaints such as loss of vision, blurred vision, burning and itching in the eyes. Eye diseases can be treated without leaving any permanent damage thanks to early diagnosis and treatment. For this reason, it is very important to be examined by an ophthalmologist at regular intervals, even if there are no complaints.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Eye Diseases?

“What are eye diseases?” In response to the question “Eye diseases, developing due to genetic or environmental factors; It is a general name given to the disorders that occur in the lens of the eye, the membrane of the eye, the eyelids, the nerve tissues and the tear ducts. There has been a significant increase in the number of people suffering from eye diseases, especially in recent years, when we are intertwined with technology. While vision defects that cause blurred vision and narrowing of the visual field such as myopia, astigmatism and hyperopia are easily treated, regular doctor follow-up is required for other diseases.

• Strabismus: It is an eye problem that prevents two eyes from looking parallel to the same point. It can also occur as a result of congenital strabismus, accident and febrile diseases.
• Color Blindness: Color blindness, which is an inherited problem, is the absence of sufficient amount of pigments in the visual center that enable color discrimination.
• Allergic Conjunctivitis: Eye allergies are a very common ailment. It can be seasonal or climatic, or it can develop against pharmaceutical and cosmetic products.
• Cataract: Cataract, which occurs when the lens of the eye loses its transparency, is an eye disease that is often seen in diabetics or in advanced ages.

What are the Symptoms of Eye Diseases?

Although each eye disease gives a different symptom, the symptoms of eye diseases in general include;

• Dryness, bleeding, pain, stinging, burning sensation
• Severe itching and tearing
• Blurred vision or narrowing of the visual field
• Sensitivity to light or flashes of light in the eyes
• Dropping or swelling of the eyelids

Which Eye Diseases Cause Vision Loss?

In addition to eye diseases that can be easily cured thanks to early diagnosis and correct treatment methods, there are also some diseases that have serious effects on eye health. These diseases can cause temporary or permanent vision loss.

• Eye Blood Pressure (Glaucoma): As a result of the obstruction in the channels that discharge the intraocular fluid, this fluid cannot be discharged in sufficient quantity. Thus, the intraocular pressure increases; This pressure causes blurred vision, severe headache and eye pain by pressing on the optic nerves. Eye pressure, which can progress without symptoms in the long term, is a serious eye disease that can result in permanent blindness. • Yellow Spot Disease (Macular Degeneration): It occurs as a result of deterioration, bleeding or death of cells in the central visual point due to aging. If it is noticed in the early period, it can be healed with the treatment applied, but in case of being late, the damage it causes increases. • Retinal Tear and Retinal Detachment: Retinal detachment occurs when the retinal layer is separated from the eyeball to which it is attached, as a result of tears in the retina. This disease, which is quite serious, can be easily prevented by early treatment, but if left untreated, it causes permanent vision loss. • Vascular Occlusions: Usually caused by clots coming from the heart valves or the carotid artery, the occlusions of the arteries and veins in the eye cause gradual loss of vision. If the diagnosis is made in the early period, the treatment is successful. • Eye Traumas: Eye Traumas

What are the Treatment Methods of Eye Diseases?

Eye health is an important issue that should not be neglected. Routine check-ups should not be interrupted in order to prevent a possible eye disease and to regain health through early intervention. Thus, even asymptomatic eye problems can be detected early, and any damage can be prevented with appropriate treatment.

For a healthy and quality life, do not forget to go to your routine checkups and follow World Health to be informed about the developments in the field of health.

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