Mouth and Dental Health

world health klinik servisler The health of the mouth and teeth, which are the entrance channels of the digestive system, is very important for maintaining the health of the whole body, because it directly or indirectly affects your whole body, especially your digestive system. On the other hand, the mouth and teeth are also important aesthetically and affect your facial expression. The way you speak, your smile and even your facial expressions are related to your mouth and teeth structure.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Oral and Dental Health?

Oral and dental health is an important part of your overall health and well-being. An unhealthy mouth structure can lead to gum diseases and tooth decay, and if left untreated, it can lead to much more important diseases such as heart diseases, diabetes and even cancer.

Oral and dental health should be constantly protected and necessary precautions should be taken. Brushing and flossing should be added to the daily routine and sugar consumption should be reduced as much as possible.

What are Oral and Dental Health Applications?

Oral and dental health practices, which have expanded and differentiated in recent years with the developing technology, not only help you have strong and healthy teeth, but also make you look more aesthetically beautiful and feel more confident.

Although applications generally fall within the field of aesthetic dentistry, it should not be forgotten that the main purpose here is healthy teeth and gums.

Endodontics is a branch of dentistry that treats problems related to the inner part of the tooth, known as the "dental pulp", and these physicians are called endodontists. Under the outer surface of the tooth, called the enamel layer, there are blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue. The internal structure of the teeth can become inflamed or infected due to deep dental caries, traumatic injury to the tooth, and repeated dental work on the tooth. Endodontics is the branch of oral and dental health that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of these problems.

Periodontology Periodontology is the branch of dentistry that deals with the treatment of soft and hard tissue diseases around the teeth. In Greek, peri- means environment, odonto-tooth, logos-science, when these three words are put together, periodontology means the science of the tissues surrounding the teeth. These textures are:
• Cement, which forms the last layer of the tooth root,
• The bone tissue around the tooth root (alveolar bone)
• It is the ligament group (periodontal ligament) that acts as a connection between the root and the bone.

Pedodontics is a highly specialized branch of dentistry that provides dental care to children under the age of 16. Also known as pediatric dentistry, this type of care includes many important services, such as educating your child about proper brushing and flossing, and preventing cavities and gum disease through the teeth. Pedodontists (pediatric dentists) inform children about oral and dental health, draw attention to the importance of regular cleaning, and provide filling, extraction and repair treatment for damaged teeth when there is a problem in children's teeth.

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery ‌
Oral and maxillofacial surgery is a general name given to all tissue operations in the mouth. It makes surgical interventions on soft tissues such as lips, cheeks, tongue, salivary glands, as well as jaw joints and teeth, making them healthier and more aesthetically pleasing.

Aesthetic Dentistry
Aesthetic Dentistry is a branch of dentistry that uses different methods together to make your face and smile more aesthetic. Aesthetic dentistry, which we can see as a holistic method, benefits from different treatments such as implantology and prosthetic orthodontics. It helps you to have aesthetic and healthy teeth with methods such as teeth whitening, bonding and prosthesis.

With World Health, which is always with you with its meticulous and expert staff in all oral and dental health applications, you can have healthy teeth and smiles that will make you feel good.

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