Internal Diseases

world health klinik servisler Internal medicine, also known as internal medicine, is a branch of medicine that examines, diagnoses and treats diseases and anomalies that may develop in the organs of the body. Internal diseases, which are among the branches of medicine in the main science category; He deals with many subjects from digestive system diseases to allergies, from blood diseases to cancer diagnosis, from old age-related organ deformations to heart and lung problems. For this reason, the number of diseases diagnosed and treated in the internal medicine branch is extremely high.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Internal Diseases?

Internal medicine is considered one of the most important branches of medicine because it investigates all kinds of problems in the organs and systems in the body. The internal medicine unit, which carries out activities for both adults and children, works in coordination with various units such as nuclear medicine, radiology and medical biochemistry during the diagnosis and diagnosis phase. Internal medicine specialists, after listening to the complaints and past stories of the patients, direct them to other branches for the necessary imaging and testing. The examinations performed are interpreted by the specialist physicians and reported to the internal medicine specialist. Internal medicine specialists diagnose the disease and plan the necessary treatment process in line with the reports of the diagnosis and examination physicians.

What Diseases Does Internal Medicine Treat?

Internal medicine is one of the most comprehensive medical branches. Except for the central nervous system part of the head, all internal organs are examined by internal diseases. For this reason, the number of diseases investigated by the science of internal medicine is extremely high. Patients who have different complaints such as pain in the organs, aches, weakness in the body, unexplained redness, bruising without trauma, shortness of breath, sleep disturbance, hot flashes, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, first apply to internal medicine physicians. If the cause of the complaint is a structural or functional disorder in the internal organs of the body, the treatment process continues in the internal medicine branch. If it is determined that there is a reason for the complaints, the patient is referred to the relevant branches and the treatment process is continued by other branches.

What are Internal Diseases?

Diseases that fall under the field of internal medicine and which it treats constitute an important part of the diseases in the medical literature. Among these diseases, there may be extremely common disorders as well as rare syndromes and anomalies. The diseases most frequently encountered and treated by internists are as follows:
• Hypertension: When the blood is pumped from the heart to the body, it is of such a high intensity that it damages the walls of the arteries and the heart, that is, high blood pressure, as it is known among the people, is one of the fields of interest of the branch of internal medicine.
• Diabetes: All types of diabetes, also known as diabetes, are followed and treated by the internal medicine service.
• Infectious Diseases: All kinds of infections that may occur in the organs are among the diseases treated by the internal medicine branch.
• Respiratory Tract Infections: Treatment of infections that occur in the respiratory tract and reduce the quality of life of the person is also applied in the internal medicine service.
• Thyroid Diseases: Problems such as tumor formation in the thyroid gland, insufficient or excessive secretion of hormones by the thyroid gland are of interest to internists.
• Cholesterol: Among the diseases examined in the internal medicine service, there are also diseases that occur when the cholesterol ratio in the body increases.
• Lung Diseases: Diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, COPD, lung cancer, pleural infection are diagnosed by internists and referred to other services if necessary.
• Kidney Diseases: Diseases such as kidney failure, cancer, dysfunction are first detected in the internal medicine service. While some kidney patients are treated in internal medicine clinics, some patients are referred to different specialties.
• Anemia and Blood Diseases: Anemia and blood diseases related to anemia are also examined in the internal medicine unit. Laboratory tests are used to diagnose anemia and blood diseases.
• Rheumatic Diseases: The diagnosis of bone and joint diseases related to rheumatism is made in the branch of internal medicine. Internal medicine physicians can coordinate with the orthopedics department for treatment if they deem it necessary.
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