Medical Oncology

world health klinik servisler Medical oncology is a branch of medicine responsible for applying medical treatment methods to cancer. Medical oncology; It works in coordination with branches such as radiology, radiation oncology, nuclear medicine and ensures that the most ideal treatment planning for cancer is made and implemented. Medical oncologists, who apply methods such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy and symptomatic treatment, aim to improve the quality of life of the patient as well as to cure the disease as soon as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Medical Oncology?

Cancer is one of the most complicated diseases in the world. The treatment of cancer, which has many types, is carried out with multidisciplinary methods, with the contribution of different medical branches. One of the branches involved in cancer treatment is medical oncology. Medical oncologists, who operate with the aim of reducing cancerous masses by means of drugs or eliminating them completely, if possible, also apply various methods to prevent the spread of cancer to other organs and spread to the patient's life threatening. The medical oncologist who follows the disease decides whether cancer patients will receive treatment from the medical oncology service. Almost all cancer patients are referred to the medical oncology unit, unless there are other health problems that prevent medical intervention.

Which Diseases Does Medical Oncology Treat?

Medical oncology is a unit that takes part in all types of cancer. Medical oncology methods have a great role in the healing of cancerous masses that occur in organs and tissues such as lung, stomach, intestine, brain, bladder, uterus, breast, prostate, pancreas, thyroid, skin, bone. Medical oncology methods also stand out because they can be performed simultaneously with other cancer treatment applications. Many patients receive chemotherapy in the medical oncology service and simultaneously receive radiotherapy or radiosurgery treatment in the radiation oncology service. This advantage puts patients one step ahead in the fight against cancer. Treatment methods applied in medical oncology services are as follows:

Chemotherapy is the most important treatment method in medical oncology. In the chemotherapy method, which is applied by intensive administration of anticancer drugs to the patient, it is aimed to kill and neutralize cancerous tissues. Although chemotherapy can cause severe side effects in some patients, it is one of the most effective ways to stop cancer and prolong patient survival.

Immunotherapy, which is among the most current cancer treatments, is applied in cancers that have reached stage 4 or metastasized to other parts of the body. In the immunotherapy process, plasma is given to the patient through the vein and the patient's immune system is strengthened. In this way, it is ensured that the patient's body naturally defeats cancerous cells.

Symptomatic Treatment
The only task of medical oncology is not to eliminate cancer. Eliminating the health problems experienced by the patient during the treatment period is also among the goals of medical oncology. The procedures applied to eliminate the pain, suffering and pain experienced by the patient due to cancer are called symptomatic treatment.

Pain Management (Algology)
One of the preferred treatment methods to improve the quality of life of cancer patients is algology. Pain caused by cancer or physical disorders caused by cancer is relieved by pain treatments and thus the physical condition of the patient is strengthened.

Nutrition and Diet
Nutrition plays an extremely important role in cancer treatment. In particular, patients undergoing chemotherapy may experience problems such as loss of appetite, vomiting, and diarrhea due to intensive drug administration to their bodies. Nutrition and diet practices are also used in medical oncology services to strengthen the metabolism of these patients. The general health of the patient is strengthened with the right nutrition programs, so that the treatment results in a more positive way.

Psychological Treatment and Support
It is a well-known fact that morale is important in cancer. Psychological support and treatment methods applied in the medical oncology service can help the patient to accept the cancer, approach the treatment with courage, and come out of a long treatment marathon without experiencing psychological trauma.

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