world health klinik servisler With the advancement of science and technology, modern medicine, which has developed in every field, has solved many problems that seemed unsolvable only a hundred years ago, and found a cure for many diseases that were considered incurable. In vitro fertilization, one of the most pleasing developments in modern medicine, is an assisted reproductive technique with very high success rates today.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is IVF?

In vitro fertilization, known scientifically as in vitro fertilization, means "in vitro" fertilization of sperm and eggs in medical language. In vitro comes from the Latin term "in glass". The term refers to studies of biological properties done in a test tube (i.e. a glass container) rather than a human or animal. In vitro studies are generally in contrast to in vivo studies done inside an organism.

In vitro, which means "under artificial conditions or in a laboratory setting," is used to describe this artificial insemination. In vitro fertilization, which is considered to be the most successful method in infertility treatment, is the preferred method when reproductive treatments that can support natural fertilization remain unanswered.

How is IVF done?

The IVF treatment process begins with the interview of the couple who decided on this treatment. The purpose of the interview is to make sure that the most appropriate treatment for the couple is in vitro fertilization and to explain the process to the clients.

In the second stage, comprehensive examination and tests are carried out. The purpose of these tests is the sperm count and quality in men; In women, it is to measure the health of the uterus and the condition of the ovaries. In the third stage, the first two or three days of the menstrual period are waited and a hormone treatment lasting about ten days is started on those days. The fourth stage is the stage where the hormone needles are checked to see if they are working and the follicle numbers are routinely observed. In cases where the follicle cannot reach the desired number, additional treatments can be applied. The fifth stage is the stage where the eggs are matured with the help of HCG and takes an average of 34-46 hours.

The sixth stage is the stage of collecting the eggs that have reached the desired maturity. Since this procedure, called OPU, is performed in the operating room environment and under general anesthesia, it does not cause any pain or pain felt. In the seventh step, a sperm sample is taken from the man simultaneously with the OPU. The man should not ejaculate in the 5 days before the sample is taken. The sperms taken are examined, the unhealthy ones are separated and the sperm with the best efficiency is placed into the egg using the microinjection method and fertilization is ensured. The embryo obtained at the eighth stage is placed in the uterus and the pregnancy process is expected to begin. In case of failure, the same operations are repeated.

Is there any age limitation in in vitro fertilization?

The IVF age limit is related to the reproductive age of the woman. The most fertile period for women in general begins at age 24 and continues until age 34. The pregnancy rate, which starts to fall in those who apply IVF treatment after the age of 35, decreases to 30% at the beginning of the 40s. After the age of 45, this rate decreases to 5%.

Although the dominant factor seems to be the fertility of the woman, the age of the man and the decreasing sperm count and quality are also important factors.

In Which Situations Should IVF Treatment Be Preferred?

• Women's ovulation problems,
• Occlusion in both tubes,
• Endometriosis,
• Significant decrease in egg reserves,
• Situations that can be counted as sperm disorder, poor quality and low number are the conditions that necessitate in vitro fertilization treatment.

How Many Times Can IVF Be Tried?

The success rate of first attempts in IVF treatment is generally low. On the other hand, the success rate increases in the second or third trials. Since IVF treatment is not a method harmful to health, it can be tried until the desired result is achieved, there is no restriction in terms of number.

You can also choose World Health expertise for IVF treatment and meet the excitement of being a parent as soon as possible.

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