
world health klinik servisler Urology is a branch of medical medicine that examines the health problems that may occur in the urinary tract of both male and female patients. Urology, which also investigates male reproductive system disorders; It deals with the diagnosis, follow-up and treatment of health problems such as infertility, kidney stones, prostate gland inflammation, urinary tract infections and urinary tract cancers.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Urology?

Urology, a surgical branch of medicine, deals with diseases that can be found in the organs of the excretory system or the reproductive systems of men. Disorders in the urinary tract or male reproductive system are examined by urology specialists and diagnosed using various diagnostic methods. After diagnosis, urologist physicians determine an appropriate treatment method by looking at the type and level of the disease and the patient's medical history. In urology, both medical and surgical treatment methods can be preferred. After the diagnosis and treatment practices of urologist physicians, many problems in the excretory and reproductive systems are completely or partially eliminated and the patient's quality of life is increased.

Which Diseases Does Urology Treat?

Urology is one of the broadest branches of medicine. All kinds of discomfort that both men and women may experience in the urinary tract is in the field of urology. The most important of these diseases are:
• Urinary tract infections,
• Urinary incontinence,
• Kidney stones,
• Overactive bladder,
• Bladder prolapse,
• Cystitis,
• Prostatitis,
• Varicose or enlarged vein syndromes.

In addition to urinary tract diseases, urology also provides solutions to sexual diseases that men may encounter. Among these diseases, sexual reluctance, impotence, infertility, genital tract infections, testicular torsion come to the fore. Incontinence in both boys and girls, urinary tract obstructions and undescended testis problem observed in boys are also urology issues.

What are Urology Diagnostic Methods?

Urology; It can solve the disorders seen in many different organs such as penis, vagina, sperm channels, eggs, bladder, prostate, testicular sacs. The fact that these organs have different tissues and structures from each other brings about the use of extremely diverse diagnostic methods in urology. The most commonly used diagnostic methods in urology are:
• Uroflowmetry: Uroflowmetry, a test that measures the rate and severity of urination, is used in the diagnosis of urinary tract obstructions and infections. It is a method that can be applied to both women and men.
• Ultrasound: Ultrasound, which is among the most effective imaging techniques, enables the detection of problems such as tumors, cysts and obstructions in the organs and the observing of the functions of the organs from the outside.
• Computed Tomography: Computed tomography, which is an advanced x-ray system, helps to understand the nature of the detected internal organ defects and to discover whether there is any mass in the body.
• Voiding Cystourethrography: The method, which detects many urinary tract disorders, especially vesicoureteral reflux, is used to visualize the structure and functions of the urinary bladder.
• Urodynamics: Urodynamics, another urology diagnosis method, is performed to measure the pressure in the bladder and to detect the electrical activities of the bladder. Urodynamics is performed in the form of electromyographic examination of the nerves in the bladder.
• PSA Test: The PSA test, which is applied with blood taken from the arm, measures the level of P-30 antigen secreted from the prostate gland in the blood and thus reveals whether there is any health problem in the prostate.
• Prostate Biopsy: Prostate biopsy, which is a surgical intervention, is applied when a mass is discovered in the prostate. In prostate biopsy, a piece of the mass is taken and examined in a laboratory setting. In this way, it is understood whether the type of mass found is benign or malignant, and the next treatment of the disease is planned according to these findings.

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