Radiation oncology

world health klinik servisler Radiation oncology is one of the branches of medicine that follows the development and treatment process of cancer. Radiation oncology, which enables cancerous tissues and masses to be controlled using ionizing radiation, also investigates the effect of applied therapy and surgical methods on cancer. In this way, radiation oncology, which helps to understand the structure and behavior of tumors, also contributes to the personalized and effective planning of the disease.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Radiation Oncology?

Radiation oncology is one of the sub-branches of oncology that studies cancer and treats cancer patients. Radiation oncology branches, which operate to shrink tumors and eliminate them in the process, with treatment methods using ionizing radiation can sometimes help the treatment of benign masses. The most commonly used treatment method in radiation oncology departments is radiotherapy, known as radiation therapy. Stereotactic radiosurgery is also among the most common applications of the branch. When cancer is detected in the patient's body, a general treatment plan is made by oncology physicians. If this treatment plan includes radiotherapy and radiosurgery, the patient is referred to the radiation oncology branch and specialist physicians, who are radiation oncologists, perform the planned treatment and report the results. According to the findings, radiation applications can be continued, the treatment can be terminated or the patient can be referred to the general surgery unit.

Which Diseases Does Radiation Oncology Treat?

The main area of interest of radiation oncology is all types of cancer. Lung, colon, brain, breast, bladder, prostate, skin and uterine cancers are treated by radiation oncologists. In addition, soft tissue tumors, bone cancers, lymphoma and childhood cancer types are also included in the field of radiation oncology. Radiotherapy and radiosurgery methods can also be used in the removal of benign cysts that have the risk of turning into cancer, if the specialist physicians deem it appropriate.

What are Radiosurgery Applications?

Radiation oncology is a branch that draws strength from radiosurgery. The two methods used in treatment are radiosurgery and radiotherapy. Radiosurgery is not a type of surgery, although its name includes the phrase "surgery". Radiosurgery applied only to the brain is applied to reduce tumors in the brain with ionizing radiation or to correct the anomaly. If the same procedure is applied to the body, it is called “stereotactic radiotherapy”. The effect of stereotactic radiotherapy and stereotactic radiosurgery on cancer disease varies according to many different conditions. Details such as the patient's age, the type of cancer, the patient's body structure and the stage of the disease are the factors that determine the success rate of radiation oncology applications. For this reason, a separate treatment plan is made for each patient.

Stereotactic Radiotherapy
Stereotactic radiotherapy, also known as radiation therapy, is an extremely effective therapy method. While applying radiotherapy, the locations of the tumors in the body are determined first and the beam is sent from outside the patient's body to the exact area where the tumor is. The beam, which reaches the cancerous tissue directly, has the purpose of killing the tumor and preventing its growth. In adequately applied radiotherapy, the cancerous tissue shrinks or disappears completely, provided that the patient's body also responds to the treatment. Radiotherapy is a form of treatment recommended for 60% to 80% of cancer patients and is an important option in that it can be applied simultaneously with other cancer treatment methods.

Stereotactic Radiosurgery
Stereotactic radiosurgery, which is applied in radiation oncology services, is a procedure applied to the brain. Radiosurgery, which is preferred in the treatment of dysfunctions in the brain and brain tumors, does not harm the healthy tissues in the brain thanks to its advanced guidance technology and only helps to destroy the cancerous mass. Before stereotactic radiosurgery procedures, it is very important to share with your doctor your general health status, allergies and whether you use devices such as pacemakers.

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