
world health klinik servisler Radiology is a branch of medicine in which various imaging methods are used to detect the disorders in the internal organs. The radiology department, which can work with all clinical branches, provides the diagnosis of cysts, tumors, internal organ disorders, bone cracks and fractures in the body. Radiology specialists, called radiologists, are divided into diagnostic and interventional radiologists. Diagnostic radiology physicians diagnose the disease and leave the treatment phase to other specialist physicians. Interventional radiologists, on the other hand, make minimal interventions by making use of imaging techniques and ensure the elimination of the diagnosed disease.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Radiology?

Radiology, which means "radiology", is a branch of science that uses various rays, especially X-rays, and detects diseases. Radiology; It supports many different branches such as internal medicine, orthopedics, oncology, otolaryngology, urology, cardiology and helps to diagnose numerous diseases in a short time. Patients report their various complaints to specialist physicians, and branch physicians refer patients to the radiology department to investigate whether there are any suspected ailments based on the symptoms. Radiology physicians who perform imaging in line with the request of the physician of the other branch analyze, interpret and report the findings to the other specialist physician. According to the report from the radiology department, the disease is diagnosed and the treatment process is started.

Which Diseases Does Radiology Examine?

Diagnostic radiology can detect most of the problems in the internal organs and bones, and therefore the number of diseases that are of interest to radiology is very high. The branches in which radiology is mostly used are oncology and orthopedics. In the radiology imaging performed for the oncology branch, the presence of a mass in the patient's body, the size, type and location of the mass are clearly revealed. In the radiology imaging requested by orthopedic specialists, it is investigated whether there are cracks or fractures in the bones. Radiology is also a field that is frequently used in pregnancy follow-up. Fetal scans with USG (ultrasonography) are performed by radiology specialists in order to understand whether there are physical and mental anomalies in the baby in the womb.

Devices Used in Radiology Department ?

Radiology provides imaging of all organs and systems throughout the body, and therefore radiologists benefit from various devices. The radiology devices used to diagnose structural disorders and anomalies in different organs are as follows:

Specially designed to take X-rays of breast tissue, mammography device helps diagnose breast cancer and various tissue disorders. Mammography offers patients the chance to be treated early, as it can detect breast cancer at the earliest stage.

X-ray, one of the most commonly used imaging devices, visualizes the inside of the body by using X-rays. X-ray machine; It reveals whether there is a deformity in the bones, internal organs and muscles.

Ultrasonography device, which visualizes the structure in the body with sound waves, is used both in pregnancy follow-up and in the diagnosis of various internal organ diseases.

Bone Densitometry
The bone densitometry device measures bone density and thus reveals whether various ailments reduce bone density. The conditions in which the bone densitometry device is used most are menopause, osteoporosis, cancers that metastasize to the bone tissue and disorders due to mineral deficiency.

Computed Tomography
Computed tomography, also known as CT, is an advanced X-ray device that displays specific areas of the body in detail. Computed tomography, which is frequently used especially in cancer diagnosis and treatment process, also helps to detect traumas, muscle tears and internal bleeding.

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